A blog post in the series: 'Changing jobs in agribusiness - What should I consider in any case?'
by Bettina Lichtenberg | Business Coaching Lead | Riebensahm Agribusiness Recruiting
A former colleague I meet from time to time virtually. The calls are very nice, but lately she has been increasingly dissatisfied in her job.
There are various reasons for this, but above all she is bothered by the fact that her boss is not filling two positions. Even before that, the team wasn't particularly large.

When I asked her if she had ever applied for a job before, she fumbled a bit and then explained in detail why she had no chance of finding a new position outside the company.
I was quite astonished. After all, we now have a real applicant market.🤔
But of course, there are always arguments you can use to convince yourself that changing jobs can work for you.
Are you tripping yourself up with these arguments?
I am too old!
Certainly, there are still personnel departments that have reservations when applicants over 40 or 50 apply.
But that doesn't mean you have to spend your retirement years in a job you no longer enjoy.
The fact is that more and more companies are relying on the know-how of experienced employees. And that's exactly why you don't have to hide.
Of course, you are more expensive than a young professional with a bachelor's degree. But you're not applying for a beginner's job.
Make your application a convincing self-promotion and present all the positive aspects you have. For example, more flexibility, experience and social skills.
There are always applicants who are better!
Yes, somewhere in the world there must be someone better than you. So what?
If you know what you can do and you are confident that you can fulfill this interesting position that appeals to you, then you should definitely give it a try.
Even if the job posting may have requirements that you don't (yet) meet.
It's rare that everything really fits, because it's not just about professional skills, but also about personal skills and how well you fit into the new company and the corresponding team.
What if I don't make it through the probationary period?
Of course, you take a certain risk when you change jobs. But why do you assume that you won't make it through the probationary period?
After all, you usually have several interviews with your new manager during the application process and should therefore have a good feeling as to whether it is a good fit in terms of content and personality.
And if you or your new manager discover during the probationary period that it's not right after all, your resume is far from ruined.
Very important: The probationary period is for you and the employer. Going your separate ways is not a disgrace, but the realization that this position unfortunately does not make you permanently satisfied.
Your professional career is too important to be dissatisfied with it. Whatever success means to you - you should not sabotage yourself. Because we (almost) all tend to tell ourselves stories about why something doesn't work. Stop it and dare to be great.
Any questions or you need more information?
Stefano Pettinella | Pet Industry Lead | https://tinyurl.com/SPettinella
Michael Witt | Agribusiness Lead 'Crop' | https://tinyurl.com/MichaelWitt
Dr. Jochen Riebensahm | Agribusiness Lead ’Livestock & Technology’ | https://tinyurl.com/JRiebensahm