As a recruiting agency with an exclusive focus on the agribusiness sector, Riebensahm Agribusiness Recruiting supports you in your search for the top job that suits you as a professional or executive.
If you are a graduate or a professional, a consultant qualified for your situation and suitable for you will be at your side with advice and support.

In our job listings you will find attractive job vacancies from leading agribusiness companies in Europe and abroad.
You are also welcome to send us your unsolicited application by email to
Interested? Just call for more details:
Your advantages
- You will always have a contact person and consultant who will answer all your questions from A to Z
Your consultant has many years of industry, consulting and management expertise from companies in the agribusiness and pet industry
Our 'Job Placement' service is free of charge for you
You gain access to industry-specific insider knowledge and the hidden job market
On request, we will subject your application documents to a quality check
Our job postings for specialists and managers exclusively includes current vacancies from the agribusiness sector, including the pet industry