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Candidate Coaching:

The path to fulfilling new jobs and tasks

In working life, there are always changes that require additional skills. A move to a new company, a different industry or a management position. Riebensahm's coaches will prepare you for these challenges. With us, you can develop your potential and competences

Coach und Coachee

 Our offer:


  • Career coaching for experts, managers and executives

  • Support during periods of  change

  • Stress management


If you want to get ahead in your job or overcome professional crises, you have to be prepared to develop yourself further. Regardless of whether this involves more complex tasks or more responsibility in the current company. Or a move to a new employer or even a new industry. For example, if your job no longer fulfils you - i.e. you have run out of steam - or, in the worst case, your job has been eliminated.


Coaching helps you to develop personally and professionally. You will get to know yourself better, recognise your strengths and where you have gaps. We will work with you to close these gaps.

Steps to success

and job satisfaction

Career coaching allows you to discuss professional and personal issues in a trusting environment.
It goes without saying that everything we discuss together remains strictly confidential.

We start exactly where you are at the moment. The coaching sessions are always tailored to your personal situation and provide deep insights for your specific situation

Schritte zum Erfolg im Agribusiness

Order clarification:

  • Free initial consultation

  • Clarification of expectations

  • Definition of your goals

  • Customised offer

Coaching - Schritte Methode


  • Competence check - personality descriptions

  • Your motivation and values


Coaching - Schritte Methode - Fokus


  • Development of your self-confidence and the ability to self-reflect

  • Training your self-responsibility

  • Stimulation of your performance development

Coaching - Schritte Methode - Schritte gehen


Development of your personal profile:

  • Values & Expectations

  • Strengths & weaknesses

  • Abilities

  • Skills & competences

Coaching - Schritte Methode - Ziel

In our work, we focus on holistic leadership and personal development. The insights gained will have a positive impact on your everyday professional and personal life.


We support you in setting priorities, finding new perspectives and tackling your goals in a focussed manner. 
This also includes your professional and personal growth and, if necessary, more flexibility or a career change.

SweetSpot -Coaching

 Advantages at a glance:


  •  Greater self-awareness and self-reflection

  • Better understanding of own strengths and weaknesses

  • Clarification of personal intrinsic motivation

  • Optimum definition of own expectations and goals

Candidate Coaching
by Riebensahm AR

Your advantages

  • Coaching is an opportunity for your professional and personal development.

  • You will recognise blockages that have hindered you so far. 

  • You will gain clarity about how you want to shape your future career.

  • You will recognise your strengths and your potential. 

  • And you will have a concrete plan of how you want to proceed

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